The Apache Software Foundation

Community > Code

This page contains links to presentations and other key papers about the ASF and how Apache projects work that you may find useful. Many of these have been presented at ApacheCon conferences or other open source conferences.

These presentations are available under permissive licenses; please see each individual presentation for license details.

Many Apache speakers post their slides to the SlideShare website, and the FeatherCast podcast offers audio recordings of many talks and interviews.

For those who prefer videos, our many volunteers have posted

Additional slides, videos and audio recordings can also be found through the ApacheCon Past Conference Resources page.

ASF Postings and Slides

The Apache Way

Several presentations that talk about how Apache-style collaborative software projects work, and how the ASF itself works.

About the ASF

General Open Source presentations

Several example presentations, talking about general open source topics, from an ASF perspective.

The Incubator

Discussion of how the Incubator works, and how (and why) one can bring a project to the ASF.

Community and Collaboration

Trademark and Brand


Various Apache-related presentations by prominent community members.

Committers - please add to this page!

If you’ve given an ASF-related presentation that you consider particularly good, please consider adding it here!