Collecting ideas
Google is sponsoring the 2025 Summer of Code and The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) registered as a mentoring organization. This page is your entry point to the ASF GSoC program. Please watch this page for updates concerning our participation in 2025.
Mentors: read this ¶
Navigate to the mentor documentation.
Students: read this ¶
- Learn about GSoC
- Decide if you are eligible for GSoC?
- Review Advice for Students to make sure you really want to apply to GSoC.
- Watch GSoC video presentation for students.
- Examine the list of available ASF GSoC 2025 projects
- NOTE that you can search the issue tracker for GSoC projects by
filtering using the “gsoc2025” label, this allows you to narrow down the list
to the projects you are interested in.
Or simply use this link
- NOTE that you can search the issue tracker for GSoC projects by
filtering using the “gsoc2025” label, this allows you to narrow down the list
to the projects you are interested in.
- If you do not see any interesting projects from the proposed ideas, we encourage you to contact one of the Apache Project’s mailing list and propose a new idea. But these ideas have to be vetted on the project dev list. The ASF does not encourage and will not respond to your personal new open source project ideas which are unrelated to any Apache projects.
Applying for GSoC ¶
Details are announced now and we are in the project discussion phase. We encourage you to discuss you application with the project community.
In order to apply we ask that you create
- a list of deliverables, quantifiable results for the Apache community,
- a detailed description / design document,
- an approach,
- an approximate schedule and
- something of a background text.
We also need you to let us know what other commitments you have for the period of GSoC, for example, do you have any exams or a part time job? In other words - sell yourselves, as if this was an actual job.
In drawing up your proposal you should work with your chosen projects community.
One of our evaluation criteria is that you have already engaged with the community to ensure that you understand the needs of the project and the commitment you need to make to your mentors.
Once open applications are made through the GSoC site
Application template ¶
This is just a suggested template, feel free to add and remove sections as appropriate. Be brief, don’t write a large essay!
About me ¶
What relevant experience have you got, including university, work and hobby activities?
Background ¶
What exists already? What is the identified need? What can you reuse, what needs to he replaced?
Example: Apache Foo has already got support for HTTP client requests, but this does not work well with OAuth-based services. The main interface for requests can be reused, but this project proposes to replace the backend code with a modular approach based on Apache Bar.
Design / description of work ¶
Brief list of things you will do / create, in some rough chronological order.
Show which bits are essential, and which are optional. Highlight what is new, what are modifications, and how your work fits into the existing architecture.
- Investigate REST client libraries
- Develop JavaScript functions for browsing files (optional)
- Integrate with Apache Foo’s request system (essential)
Results for the Apache community ¶
Benefit of your work to Apache $Project users and developers. What will be the legacy of your work after you finish?
Deliverables ¶
Including milestones, components, documentation, tests.
Scheduling ¶
Not too detailed, but some milestones and checkpoints. Rough estimates per work item (weeks/days). Remember to leave time for slack and bugfixing!
Other commitments ¶
Exams, part time work, holidays, lectures.
Community engagement ¶
In particular with Apache $Project, including project mailing lists, wikis, issue trackers, test systems.
This should show a rough understanding of working with open source communities. You should be engaged with the rest of the community both before coding start (e.g. to develop this proposal) and during the project.
Include any planned user testing, prototypes, code review.
Contacting the ASF ¶
The ASF is not just one project, it is a federation of projects, see the lists at and Each of our projects has its own community of users, contributors and committers. GSoC students will usually be interacting with just one of these communities.
Each of the proposed subjects (link to be provided if we are confirmed as a mentoring organisation) applies to a single ASF project. You will need to engage with that project community.
Please contact if you have questions/difficulties.
ASF GSoC 2025 Timeline ¶
Below is a timeline of events for The Apache Software Foundation’s involvement in GSoC. Unless otherwise stated deadlines are 24:00 UTC on the date indicated.
Student Application and Selection ¶
- 2024-02-22: Potential GSoC contributors discuss application ideas with mentoring organizations
- 2024-03-18: GSoC contributor application period begins
- 2024-04-02: GSoC contributor application deadline
- 2024-04-15: Proposals to ASF projects must be reviewed roughly and have a potential mentor so that we know how many slots to request. Proposals that don’t have a mentor at this point will be down-rated.
- 2024-04-22: Proposal scoring must be completed. Proposals without a score will be rejected, no exceptions.
- 2024-05-01: Accepted student proposals announced on the Google Summer of Code site.
GSoC is underway ¶
- 2024-05-01: Community bonding start
- 2024-05-26: Community bonding end
- 2024-05-27: Coding start
- 2024-07-06: Mentors and GSoC contributors can begin submitting Phase 1 evaluations
- 2024-07-10: Phase 1 Evaluation deadline (standard coding period)
Wind down ¶
- 2024-08-17: GSoC contributors submit their final work product and their final mentor evaluation (standard coding period)
- 2024-08-24: ASF Mentors evaluations can be submitted
- 2024-08-31: ASF Mentors final evaluations deadline
- 2024-09-03: Initial results of Google Summer of Code 2023 announced
Extended coding period ¶
- 2024-09-03: GSoC contributors with extended timelines continue coding
- 2024-11-04: Final date for all GSoC contributors to submit their final work product and final evaluation
- 2024-11-09: Final date for mentors to submit evaluations for GSoC contributor projects with extended deadlines
Organization Vouching ¶
The ASF currently has no policy establishing the criteria on what basis to vouch for another organization. Until one is established the ASF therefore doesn’t vouch for any organization.