The Apache Software Foundation

Community > Code

ASF Community Development

The ASF Community Development (ComDev) project creates and provides tools, processes, and advice to help open-source projects improve their own community health.

We are primarily focused on ASF projects, but we believe that our governance principles and best practices apply to other projects as well.

If you’re new to the ASF and are looking for where to get involved, you can find relevant information here.

ASF Newcomers

If you are new to open source, our newcomers section and related pages explain basic concepts, first steps to get started, and where to ask for help.

To get our software, see our categorized listing of all Apache projects, which are always free to download and use.

The ASF is a large organization made up of many separate projects. Each project community may have its own ways of working, while still following the basic Apache Way process.


Producers should read our Event Branding Policy for ticketed events, and we have some tips for organizing small community events about Apache projects.

The events calendar lists approved Apache-related events, including Community Over Code (formerly ApacheCon) and project summits.

The ASF Travel Assistance Committee provides financial assistance for selected ASF events to those who would otherwise be unable to attend them.

The Foundation

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is a US 501(c)3 non-profit public charity. The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors, elected by our Membership, and we publish our monthly board meeting minutes.

Our mission is to create software for the public good that we give away for free. You can read how ASF and Apache projects are governed. We welcome your support of Apache.

Open Source Contributors

If you know a little about open source and want to understand how the ASF works, our contributors’ section is for you.

We also have a collection of links to relevant information.

Apache Committers should read our committers’ section and see the Developer Information site.

How Apache works

Our Apache Project Maturity Model defines a structure for evaluating our projects (communities & technology) that can serve as an example for other communities.

Our how Apache works guide describes key ASF concepts, such as the difference between ASF Members and project committers, how decisions are made (voting), how elections take place, and the ASF’s structure and organization.

FAQ & Code of Conduct

Please be nice! The ASF has a Code of Conduct that we expect participants to abide by.

If you still haven’t found what you are looking for, try our FAQ, send us an e-mail at, or read the Community mail archives.

Diversity and Inclusion

The Apache DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) website has more information on that project and current initiatives dedicated to understanding and promoting diversity and inclusion in ASF communities.

Google Summer of Code program (GSoC)

The Community Development project also manages the ASF’s participation in the Google Summer of Code program. Each year since 2005, we’ve taken on between 30 and 45 students. Many have gone on to become long-term committers to projects, and even Members of the Foundation.

Read about a few of our GSoC successes.

Apache Local Community (ALC)

The Apache Local Community comprises local groups of Apache (Open Source) enthusiasts, called an ‘ALC Chapter’. There will be a single ALC chapter per town/city.

The ALC Chapters spread awareness of the ASF in local communities, hosting local events to share information about the ASF, The Apache Way, and various Apache projects by bringing together project users and developers.

How to ask questions

All Apache projects use publicly-archived mailing lists that anyone may subscribe to. There you can ask questions related to that specific project and gain a sense of its current activities and focus. Most projects have a mailing list for technical discussions about the code, and a user@ or users@ mailing list for questions about the product or features.

We have a Code of Conduct and Etiquette guidelines to help you write good emails.

The ComDev project has our own mailing list where you can ask general questions about Apache at