To: private@[PROJECT], Subject: Welcome, [First Name], New Committer! Hello, [Committer Name], As you know, the ASF Infrastructure has set up your committer account with the username `[apacheID]` [If your project uses GitHub] You will now be able to merge approved PRs on GitHub for this project. (You'll need to associate your GitHub account with your Apache email address.) You can manage your account settings at [/If GitHub] [If your project uses SVN] svn password, svn configuration, email forwarding, etc. [PROJECT] has various resources at:[PROJECT] [/If SVN] [If your project automatically adds committers as PMC members] Please subscribe to the [PROJECT] Project Management Committee mailing list private@[PROJECT] [/If PMC] The developer section of the website describes roles within the ASF and provides other resources: The incubator also has some useful information for new committers in incubating projects: You now have expanded access to portions of the Whimsy toolset specific to committers: As an ASF committer, you now also have commit access to specific sections of the ASF Foundation repository, as follows: The general "committers" at: Just as before you became a committer, participation in any ASF community requires adherence to the ASF Code of Conduct: If you have any questions during this phase, then please see the following resources: Apache developer's pages: Incubator committer guide: Naturally, if you don't understand anything be sure to ask us on the [PROJECT] dev mailing list. Documentation is maintained by volunteers and hence can be out-of-date and incomplete - of course you can now help fix that. A PMC member will announce your election to the dev list, and we encourage you to introduce yourself there. [Your Name] On behalf of the [Project] PMC